You are cordially invited to become a Sustaining Associate Member of the American Watercolor Society. The Society is a nonprofit organization and dues are tax-deductible.

We are now accepting memberships for the 2025 Season, which runs January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. Membership begins immediately upon signup, regardless of time of year. Joining will entitle you to the Member’s reduced entry fee for our Annual Exhibitions ($30 instead of $55). Annual dues are $60 US for the 2025 year.

Benefits of Sustaining Associate Membership include notices of AWS activities, the twice annual Newsletter, Exhibition Prospectus, Catalog of the Annual Exhibition (where you will be listed as an Associate Member)*, a reduced entry fee for exhibition submission and invitations to the Opening Reception and Annual Dinner.

Only Signature Members attend the Annual Business Meeting and use the AWS initial after their signature.

In addition to the Annual Exhibition,  Associate Members can submit to the yearly Online Associate Members Exhibition, a show open to Associate members only.

Sustaining Associate Members whose dues have lapsed may renew by completing and submitting the Sustaining Associate Application Form.

*Associates must join before February 15th of each year to be listed in the catalog, and before March 15th of each year to receive a catalog, because of press deadlines.