The 156th International Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society was held April 3 – 28, 2023, at the Salmagundi Club in NYC, with a reception on April 11 from 6-8 pm. The exhibition (and reception) were open to the public and free to attend. Gallery hours are 1-6 pm Mon-Fri, and 1-5 pm Saturday and Sunday. The building address is 47 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003.
There was a watercolor demonstration on April 27, 2023, from 6-8 pm, featuring John Salminen, AWS, DF. The edited version of the demo is now viewable on the AWS YouTube channel here.
The accepted artists are listed below. Award winners can be viewed here.
After closing in NYC, the exhibition will travel the United States for the next year. See the Travel Exhibition schedule here.
Thank you to all who submitted, and to the Juries of Selection and Awards:
Antonio Masi, AWS, DF. (Chair)
Judi Betts, AWS
Ken Call, AWS
Ken Goldman, AWS
Eric Wiegardt, AWS, DF
Susan Weintraub, AWS, D.F. (Chair)
Ratindra Das, AWS, D.F.
Denny Bond, AWS, D.F.
2023 Exhibitors
Edward Abrams, AWS*
Ingrid Elizabeth Albrecht, AWS
Deena Altman
Jennifer Annesley, AWS*
Judy Antico
Tony Armendariz
Ruth Armitage
Phillip Babb, AWS*
Poppy Balser
Joanna Barnum, AWS*
David R. Becker
Janet Belich, AWS
Judi Betts, AWS
Ron Lynn Bigony, AWS
Matthew Bird
Shari Blaukopf
Denny Bond, AWS, D. F.
Frederick Brosen, AWS*
Jessica L. Bryant, AWS
Will Bullas, AWS
Dan Burt, AWS, D.F
Charlie Bynar, AWS*
Ken Call, AWS
Lana Cease, AWS*
Deborah L. Chabrian, AWS
Nadine Charlsen, AWS
Chung-Wei Chien, AWS, D.F.
Ping Chien
David Colon, Jr.
Guy Corriero, AWS
Adrián Francisco Marmolejo Clarhed
Kevin Clifford
Anni Crouter, AWS
Antonio Darden, AWS*
Ratindra K. Das, AWS, D.F.
Jay DeChesere
Pat Dews, AWS, D.F.
Huang Dingfeng
Jackie Dorsey
David R Eakin
Xiqiang Fei, AWS
Lynn Ferris, AWS
Donny Finley, AWS
Bill Flick
Tom Francesconi, AWS
Jonathan Frank
Kass Morin Freeman, AWS
Qian Gao, AWS
Jacqueline Gnott
Ken Goldman, AWS
Stephanie Goldman, AWS*
Frederick C. Graff, AWS, D.F.
Joyce E Green, AWS
* New Signature Member
Ann Smiga Greene, AWS*
Mark Grosserode
Amid El Haddad, AWS
Wendy Hale
Bruce Handford, AWS*
Richard Hanson, AWS*
Jack Haran
Wenqing He, AWS*
Anne Hightower-Patterson, AWS
Michael Holter, AWS*
Xiao Xing Hu, AWS
Jasmine Huang, AWS
Carol Hubbard, AWS
Larry Hughes
Tom Hughes
Iretta Hunter, AWS
Lance Hunter, AWS
Linda Hutchinson, AWS
Peter V Jablokow, AWS
Sun Jiangang, AWS
Bev Jozwiak, AWS
John Keeling
Diane Klock
Karen Knutson, AWS
Linda Koenig, AWS*
Michael Kotarba
Robert Krajecki
Chris Krupinski, AWS, D.F.
Rebecca Krutsinger
Daniel Kuchenbecker
Thein Shwe Kyi
Janet Laird-Lagassee, AWS
Alexis Lavine
Jan Ledbetter, AWS
KuangFu Lee, AWS
Stacy Lund Levy, AWS*
Dongfeng Li, AWS, D.F.
Chaolei Liang
Yan Liang, AWS*
Hsiang Iu Lim
Olga Litvinenko, AWS*
Antonio Masi, AWS, D.F.
Liz Jorg Masi, AWS
James McFarlane, AWS, P.E., L.M.
Joe Miller, AWS, H.M., D.M., L.M.
Christine Misencik-Bunn, AWS*
Sajal Kumar Mitra
Laurin McCracken, AWS
Dan McCrary
Carole McDermott, AWS
Leslie McDonald Jr
Angus Maywood McEwan
William H. McKeown
Kimberly Meuse, AWS*
Sandy J. Mezinis, AWS
Audrey Montgomery, AWS*
Kathleen Mooney
Pat Moseuk
Bob Noreika, AWS
Judy Nunno, AWS
Roberta Oliver
Timothy A. Oliver
Francoise Olivier, AWS*
John Jude Palencar, AWS*
Jeremiah Patterson
Beverly Perdue, AWS
Apidej Phatthanasutthinon
Joel Popadics, AWS
Lana Privitera, AWS*
Stephen Quiller, AWS, D.F.
Ian Ramsay
Hannie Rieuwerts
J. Anna Roberts
Pat Safir
John T. Salminen, AWS, DF
Tim Saternow, AWS
Jose Sebourne, AWS*
Jerry Smith, AWS, D.F.
Frank L Spino, Jr, AWS
Iain Stewart, AWS
Ron Stocke, AWS
Eileen Mary Sudzina, AWS
Kai Ting Sung , AWS
Phyllis Tseng
Sabina Turner
Toshiko Ukon, AWS
Paul Van Cleven
Ruth Ann Vasilik
William M. Vrscak, AWS
Harold R Walkup
Carrie Waller, AWS
Yi -Wen Wang
Yong Wang
Susan Weintraub, AWS, D.F.
Catherine Welner, AWS*
Pam Wenger, AWS*
Stewart Burgess White, AWS
Eric Wiegardt, AWS, D.F.
Jian Wu, AWS
Jianzhong Wu, AWS*
Beverly Yankwitt
Keiko Yasuoka, AWS
Sarah Yeoman, AWS
Yanqi Zhai
Erhu Zhang
stephen zhang
Xiaochang Zhang
Yi Zhang, AWS*
Guozhu Zeng
Lin Zhou